A bunch of very young girls heard me speaking at the tram stop in the evening. I said something and they all said, "I love your accent!" Isn't that great! I have always been facinated by Aussie accents as well. I am surprised that they understand me when I speak faster however I am not able to understand when they speak faster with their cool accents. Even an American here cannot undertstand me but then there is something wrong with the other American in my company...(long story)
Walking around the city for more sites. They are famous for the beautiful art in the ally ways.
Still love the Victorian buildings in Albert Park. This is where I have found a wonderful yarn shop, same as what I used to hang around in Anacapa Fine Yarn in Ventura.
Here is a Magpie couple in a park, female squawking at me for food.
Then of course I couldn't resist in buying another project to make - my shipment of stash is STILL in Long Beach. They are waiting for my crate to fill a vessel before it's shipping overseas. The yarn store is called "Wool Baa" in Albert Park.
Work: had a successful client session event that was straight foward on what is to be presented. It marks a mid-way point of our events but lots of work to accomplish before the system goes "live". They love my story of the "Black Robbers" that was circling around in the USA emails and also a true story. It's a good story to break the ice while reflecting the same perspective with our project efforts. Have to be creative for the audience to keep them awake and amused for such drone material. I just keep knitting when I can in the evenings; long hours in the office prevents me to finish as fast as I did while in US. Hard to be on conference calls since I worked out of my home office. Here I am in a real office every day - no knitting during the working hours.
Finally got a fridge, washer and furniture in the apartment. But before all that was in, I took this photo: my sole worldly possessions in the official first night staying there. What would I do without my ladybug?