24 January 2007

How do you spell Dishoveled?

Just work for one of the American corporate businesses where they are looking at the 10 year large profit strategy; forget the pride of the workers.

Ah..just like the Ford car centers, my company is going through a major reorganization. The headquarter office for this country is in Kansas City where many of us were hired out in the field to work virtually. They are now making us work straight away in our "territories" or out of the HQ office. I have been working in the Detroit metro since they punted me in this region after my tenure in the UK global services; that was a wonderful decision to not return me to the West on their part. There are other things that they want to flatten in the organization but I am destined to be back in the West region; hurray for me!

The downside is that I am about to start up a really big project that I take pride in. I told my direct report manager that if I am to be compliant to be working my West "territory", I be removed from this project asap. Why would I want to exert all of my expertise and energy on a project and then suddenly get yanked out? The other option to be work in the project in "violation" of my home territory. No dice, they don't want me to be in the duration non-compliant. So much for the pride that employees have in such companies. Now I see why we have shit for American products and customer services. I have been laid off before so I have to say that I have experienced all divets of the American corporate lifestyle. I quit jobs before I get any sense of demotion.

Retirement can't come too soon!

10 January 2007

Paris is calling

Talking about ghost hunting and structures last night has made me reflect being in Paris; my favorite place in Europe. I don't care if they don't speak English. We don't speak English in America - we speak American!

Le Pere Lachaise cemetary has to be the coolest place in Paris.....Notre Dame and St. Chapelle is close behind.

I actually fell asleep while inside St. Chapelle with all of the stain glass windows and tourists. It was the most peaceful place, more peaceful than in the Cistene Chapelle in Rome.

Definately lots of comforting energies around Notre Dame :) love the gargoyle water spouts!

05 January 2007

New Year's Success - it's only a job

What a great start to 2007. After functioning 70-80% from a head congestion over the Christmas week, working on limited cylinders has helped me with something that by boss didn't think I would be able to achieve. Don't you love it when you can show up your boss? I couldn't convince him that the client will follow my consulting advice on a piece of software functionality in a new project yet to start. He said they will want this functionality, I said they will not be able to deploy it with the short timeline and other logistical reasons. There is an alternative that I gave them in my presentation meeting today and I won with minimum effort! I believe there was executive coaching to a specific participant before the meeting but my boss was impressed that I convinced them other than what he thought. Yet bosses still have to feel like they have the upper hand in the end...his comment was, "good job!.....you convinced this group but wait until the physician executives have the opportunity to say something..." :P I think he forgot that I used to work with those egotistical 'professionals'. Hey - don't burst my bubble for today! If only surprises like this can be a pattern in my "nun" lifestyle.