05 January 2007

New Year's Success - it's only a job

What a great start to 2007. After functioning 70-80% from a head congestion over the Christmas week, working on limited cylinders has helped me with something that by boss didn't think I would be able to achieve. Don't you love it when you can show up your boss? I couldn't convince him that the client will follow my consulting advice on a piece of software functionality in a new project yet to start. He said they will want this functionality, I said they will not be able to deploy it with the short timeline and other logistical reasons. There is an alternative that I gave them in my presentation meeting today and I won with minimum effort! I believe there was executive coaching to a specific participant before the meeting but my boss was impressed that I convinced them other than what he thought. Yet bosses still have to feel like they have the upper hand in the end...his comment was, "good job!.....you convinced this group but wait until the physician executives have the opportunity to say something..." :P I think he forgot that I used to work with those egotistical 'professionals'. Hey - don't burst my bubble for today! If only surprises like this can be a pattern in my "nun" lifestyle.

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