22 March 2007

My Reward for Having Execellent Credit

Yup, the thieves did it again to me!

Tonight I took a look at my online Diners Club credit account (my work credit card) and noticed that someone had a party with my card; limo service of $319.46 on March 17 in New Jersey!! The same day I have a transaction at Landmark 78, a local Ventura restaraunt. How can I be on two coasts at the same time?

Diners wants me to sign a fraudulent form that they will send me and want me to notarize it. Another snag, how can I find time to notarize this shit when I am traveling for a living using this credit card? Spoke to the manager and she said that a signature and date will suffice since I travel as much. She had to say that since this is a coroporate card.

4-5 years ago, someone got a hold of my SS# and opened up credit accts, taking cash advances ruining my credit. A bank in Atlanta called me to verify who I really was and realized that I live in CA, not Georgia. Fraudulent charges ~ $2000 had to be removed from one account, ~ $500 more for another acct that was opened up in my name at that time.

2 years ago, someone got a hold of one my personal credit accounts and charged up a storm in England. Ironic that I went to live in England for work thereafter as I was working on getting those fraudulent charges off of my account.

Needless to say, I no longer give out my SSN or open any more credit cards. No more online business transactions; only online fund transfers directly paying off the credit billing. Now I have to go back to the damn paper writing checks to pay these off, dammit!! NO MORE EBAY OR PAYPAL. Meanwhile I am still getting paypal fraudulent access messages in my email when these accounts are closed. WTF?

This is such an invasion of my privacy. Why the hell can't people just fucking leave me alone? Get a job! This is what I get for being a good citizen and following the rules and living the American dream?

1 comment:

Becky said...

I don't understand how people are able to do this. And I feel bad that this keeps happening to you.