26 November 2006

Hay is for Horses

Ok...here is how the Ouija board and horses work on me.

About 4-5 years ago I used to join friends of mine in the Ouija board, especially at Halloween time. I love the mystery and suspense and often surprises that occur in such events. Candles lit, dim lighting and three of us women (you know who you are) holding the pointer on the board. We came in contact with several people despite how people generally think how bad this is in this world. Whenever a person was "on the board" and surrounded by horses I ALWAYS had to run for tissues because I am deathly allergic to horses anyway. (My allergy tests showed 4+++ on the horse allergen.) However whenever there was a new person that changed out the horse surrounding, my allergic reaction immediately disappears. This pattern of realization came to a head when one person named Mary on the board surrounded by 5 horses kept spelling "U-R-alergic-2 horses" as I kept sniffling and avoiding the board from being drenched with my nasal passages. 'Duh!'
Photo of this handsome horse was taken outside of a prison in New Zealand last year. We were having a staring contest as I was standing in the road.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Yeah, you can post pictures.

That is amazing that you can sense "horses from the other side."

What a trip!