17 August 2007

Star Gazing!

Hey I had a thrill at the airport...gotta find them whenever and wherever I can.

When I flew back into LAX from my inmate home visit from Detroit, I didn't realize that I was flying with a celebrity. Natalie Cole and her band were getting off the plane and I didn't recognize her with her dark incognito glasses. But when we were all getting our luggage, she was walking in front of me and around me pacing and talking on her phone waiting for the bags to come on the belt. Woohooo! Circled by a celebrity! No matter how many years I live in CA, I am always star struck by the celebs.

One flight years ago, I was walking in front of Alan Rickman from a Salt Lake flight back. Since he is British, all I could think of then was "don't fart, don't fart!"

I shook hands with Jonathon Frakes in a bar in West Hollywood; number one on Star Trek New Generation.

Saw Bruce Springstein walk in around midnight in a Beverly Hills restaurant that I was having a capuccino in.

When I was working in the intensive care units, I remember taking care of Ella Fitzgerald on the night shift. Early morning when I was drawing her a bath, she sang me the blues in a private concert. What a thrill!

Scatman Crothers sang me a tune that he wrote for the director of "The Shining" while recovering from major lung surgery. I gave him my leftover bag of peanuts from a ballgame when he transferred to a regular room; he gave me a box of See's chocolates :)

I found out Jackson Browne's real name is Clyde Brown when I took care of him.

There were other celebs that I took care of but I think I will hold on to that patient confidentiality.


Becky said...

Clyde Brown?

My mother had John Carradine over for dinner when I was in the fifth grade and he recited Shakespeare in our bathroom. He kissed my hand before I went to bed and when I woke up the next day he was knocked out on our living room rug.

I've been disolussioned with life ever since.

miss you, smooches

Beatriz said...

Wow, what close encounters! These are great stories that you must continue later. Miss you.