15 September 2008

Knitting UFO with a Bonus

Work hiatus has allowed me to focus on my knitting mojo; not that I am asking to do nothing for work. Finished my Cherry Blossom pullover that took me 5 months to finish. Looks better on someone than on this hanger.

Meanwhile I knitted another Clapotis shawl wrap that is a perfect color match for the Cherry Blossom.

Just because I finished the Clapotis in less than 2 weeks, I rewarded myself by starting another "Champagne Leaf & Acorn" wrap with the same rayon yarn as the Clapotis. I am still working 4 project simultanesouly - will I ever learn to finish one at a time? No Way!

For the shawl wraps I am thinking of selling them in a local boutique specialty store in town. If one place doesn't like the idea of selling hand knitted items, then there are other means of marketing them.

1 comment:

Beatriz said...

I love the Cherry Blossom in red...that's a beautiful pattern you picked.