13 March 2010

Ken's 50th Birthday

Just got back from Ken's 50th birthday celebration on a yacht in Marina Del Rey. Appeteasers and lower than mediocre tasting birthday cake. At least it looked pretty.

Camille wasn't up to joining me since she is having yet another dramatic week at work. Being on a boat cycling through the marina was not what she was up for this evening. I met a couple of Ken's friends: Paul and Gail. Married couple who love and thrive on adventure. I turned them on to getting a Galapagos Island trip for themselves - they would love the nature and wildlife as I do. Paul is trying to get hooked up on hang gliding activity. I absolutely want to do that Ken wants to do that as well. This is one of my bucket list items.

My buddy Ken with the flowers I got him for this birthday (still sober).

Apparently, I don't seem to be a very welcome guest at the Ken's party in terms of Ken's wife and her friends are concerned. However I was invited to this "surprise" event. I tried to take a photo of Ken and myself and I believe this woman who pretended to be drunk was falling back on the 2 of us while the photo was being taken by his wife. Don't know why I gave the camera to her for the photo but I suspect the weird action from her friend was planned! Here is the best mug shot of Ken and I from the evening - it's as good as it gets! Here is Ken completely wasted and having a good time. The photo has cropped off the woman who seemed to want to be in every attempted shot! Don't you love the drama?

Who's your mama Ken?

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