18 March 2010

Violation of my Privacy...this one's for you!

Take a look at this photo as this will be the last time this image will be possible. This is a photo with my "buddy" Ken for the last time together. The drama has come to an end and I haven't even understood why it is such a fucking drama to begin with. What facinates me is how people that do not realize how they are untrue to themselves are also not true to others around them. All I am concerned with is that I am not responsible or accoutable for how others feel when it comes to paranoia and rage on their part(s). I feel absolutely awesome for the fact that I know I am in control of how I relate to people. Others with social/mental retardation in relating with people for others - well I am not here to train people especially when I know I gain nothing; call me a bitch. Puzzled on what the hell I am talking about? Here is the rundown:

-Ken and I have known each other for > 15 years as we have worked in the same company. Photo above is from our reunion of this company this past weekend. I have the sense of marital issues on his end the whole time I have known him.

-His wife (noted in last photo of previous post) doesn't seem happy with the fact that we have a 'friendship' together. Which means we have same interests and an adventurous interest of activities. Boohoo - can I help it that I can't include others that don't have the same energy as me?

-I even have listened and supported wife's perspective from hearing Ken's feedback on their marriage.

-Ken seems to have a different perspective e.g. that wife and I should be comfortable together. My thoughts are not the same as I sense the paranoia on her part. I respect the situation and encourage myself to be away from this 'friendship' but Ken has thought otherwise. Men, those dears!!My thoughts are that he is just another gay friend so what is the big deal?

-Because of my respect of walking away from this negative energy, wife seems to take upon herself to read this private blog. Private means that I only send this link to ones that I know (close friends) because I want them to read my thoughts. I did remove this blog link from Facebook last month as I know I wanted to keep this private. She has not answered Ken's question on where she got this link. Suspect invasion of his email privacy as well (?) Not my problem.

-My respect and honoring wife request of "I want her {me} to go away" yields her snooping and violation of my blog commentaries, did I mention this is private information? This is the thanks I get for being respectful to her request. Badgering Ken on what I meant by some comments helped me realize she is reading this blog.

Being true to oneself means you know your limitations in life in all aspects, even when it comes to people. I realized that my future employment will be measured on my tolerance of people interaction; thus the reason why I went into computer implementation work. A decision that I have to respect for myself as I have spent thousands of dollars in Nursing Aesthetic training thinking I was going to go into that field. My decision to not go into that is due to staying away from a work burnout and bullshitting with people for aesthetic shit. I am not a good liar.

I am finding out that the support of this wife's dark activity goes to the her, should I be surprised - NO! That's another subject of enablement....Sure this information is on the internet but there is the freedom of writing/speech that I am exercising here.

So, wife - this one's dedicated for you 'cos I know you are reading this! Notice how I have concealed your name for shear respect? BAZINGA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

last few days our group held a similar discussion on this topic and you point out something we have not covered yet, thanks.

- Laura