31 December 2007

Another New Year Coming

What have I accomplished this past 2007 calendar year?

Personal Life: Found out that I can overcome my fear of intense social chaos in my knitster group. I call it my group therapy with my knitting buddies. Now I can pick out the social distortions or anomalies that penetrate the flow.

Something Cool: For about 4 months, I had a mini-leased car in Detroit for my road warrior project. The car was a Dodge Charger with only 2 miles on the odomter out of the Avis rental lot. The ride was smooth with very comfortable cushion seats; bucket in the front and molded in the back. Wow is that car fast and handles turns on a dime!

Accomplishments at work: I got one out of 2 databases live for a major software upgrade for a very large client with personal hardships that I had to sacrifice for that project. Come to find out that I am "difficult to work with" in the West region from a couple of executive managers. London and Detroit report no such problem in fact am an asset. This proves to me how the West coast management have personality issues and don't know the f#$%k is going on in projects since I ask too many questions. It's a threat to their competance. I suppose some day I should work for myself. There is an option to work overseas again in Australia. However if they can't deploy me closer to my home due to personality issues, I can always stay home and knit on conference calls while getting paid. :)

Marital Status: Status quo - my attempts twice to have a meaningful relationship has failed twice. My choice in life is not to choose detrimental situations long-term when I see them. I seem to be an organizer but not one to have to "hold the bag" every time. The opportunity for meeting men is a zero.

What am I planning to do for 2008?

Personal Life: Stay away from peeps that make me feel uncomfortable. I pick up quickly on the "fat girl personality". These are the women that I have met that seem to go above and beyond to think I am their best friend. Their way of 'game playing' attempts to hit my vulnerability manipulating their paradigm to their benefit; never mind what it takes to get there even if it's imposing on me or others around me. Their social sense of reality is not the same as mine (and I have definately worked on mine to get where I am). Hanging out with this personality is going backwards for me. Bottom line - avoiding the creepiness and manipulations.

Something Cool: My next new car will be a Dodge Charger.

Accomplishments at work: continue to leave the burden of my company to deploy me in the appropriate location from my home. I am eligible for a 4 week sabbitcal this coming year. Hazzah! Time to finaly plan that photo safari in the Serengeti.

Marital Status: will attempt to find a wine tasting club where there are male species in the mix. I love hangning out with the knitsista's but everyone seems to "belong" to someone else. No expectations; just need to sharpen up on the dating scene sometime in my "bucket list".

Happy New Year everyone!

26 December 2007

The Etiquette of California Freeway Driving

When I was young I had several dreams of driving a car; doesn't matter how small I was. That was a consistent sign of "taking control" or being in control. Well, there's always hazards to something that seems to be a good thing.

Driving in the MidWest:
-Learned how to rock my car when stuck in a slick icey hole wintertimes ("rock me gently, rock me slowly...") In this case, it was quick forward/reverse; back and forth - hard on the transmission.
-Learned how to keep 'control' of my vehicle when the wheels were spinning out of control.
-Fishtailing in the snow was fun!
-People know the fast lane is meant for people to drive faster than the posted speed limint.
-There were no hills or mountains to drive up or down.

Driving with California Drivers:
-I see people burn out their clutches when they are stuck in icey holes.
-Went on vacation in New Zealand where my travel companion thought that 100 KM speed on gravel was legal; funny how the car spun out of a control and nose dives into a muddy ditch. The mud in New Zealand is soft, smooth and warm as it seeps inside the rental car.
-Fishtailing in California means you have to have an annoying engine to make such outrageous maneuvers.
-Driving in the fast lane of California freeways seems to be for anyone no matter how slow you are going; forget flashing your headlights to get to them to move to the right. They are driving on a 'freeway' so it's free in any lane!
-It's amazing that when California drivers slam on their brakes when the car is driving downhill.

Sign says "Watch downhill Speed". So everyone has their brakes on all of a sudden, no wonder we have accidents. What is wrong with just taking your fucking foot off the gas pedal? 3 modes of driving a car when it's in motion: gas pedal, no gas pedal (coast), brake.

I don't mind driving 1 1/2 - 2 hours from Ventura to wherever but then I have to be patient with people who are the following:
1. Skiddish for driving beyond the speed limit (and drive in the fast lane)
2. Brake when they think you are too close them in the back and there is NOBODY else in front of them threatening their passage.
3. Brake driving in unison downhill - all lanes
4. Drivers that let their emotions take over what they are supposed to pay attention to constitutes either under a chemical influence or they are really not in reality
5. Then there the drivers who insist on talking on the cell phone while driving

Therefore I understand why people "don't want to drive" to a long distance e.g. cross counties. But we all have to spread the wealth of the challenge in this world to keep in touch with each other! I drove down twice to Long Beach and Huntington Beach (HB) for this past holiday weekend (drove back and forth; good thing the freeways were clear). I hope it was appropriate to decline another opportunity to drive down to HB for a New Year's party - I think they all need to drive up to me!

18 December 2007

Call me "Bag Lady"

I have to give credit to Becky for kicking my butt to get a new Amy Butler knitting bag from AFY. I love it!!!

It has pockets and compartments that I never knew were possible in a bag. Great for the carry-on when traveling. I don't have to bring a separate purse on board with me - there's a hidden compartment for my purse paraphenilia. Then when you open it; whalah! All of my projects pop out at me to grab without digging through for them.

I think we need to get "Luis" to stock up on her inventory ;)

10 December 2007


Patience to those who are taking me in as friends...I can't seem to learn this website as quickly as others.

Untagging Myself

Rules for being tagged:
Here’s the deal: Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they’ve been tagged. So here we go. *some restrictions may apply.

So here are my 8 rantings of life since Becky tagged me:

1. I see myself living through cycles in this lifetime. "For everything, turn, turn....For every season, turn,turn" you get the idea. My hobbies & priorities have changed from precious gems, to international travel to homeownership, sewing and then there is crocheting/knitting. Workwise: uppward mobile R.N. that strives to not be pigeon-holed in one role or skill thus my career jumps x3. I didn't get a degree in Nursing for this very thought. Therefore it reflects in my easy sense of boredom from the daily routine. Working with software has definately kept me in me the loop of constant change. The downside is that working with software as a job loses the novelty of perusing through the internet to various websites. I hope others don't think I have abandoned the techy world; I am just heading for retirement all around from software (work). I even posted my dislike of keeping up with the technical items e.g. iPhone earlier in this blog. I guess if I was a professional basket-weaver with nothing else to do in a day, I would be "pinging" people all day every day!

2. When I was 10 years old, I succumbed to viral pneumonia; not bacterial. We all know viri stays with you until death. I was wondering why a cold wasn't getting better. Laying in bed flat for 5-6 weeks straight was my routine - now you see where my sense of boredom came from in #1. The only thing I could do at that age was watch day-time TV all day long. Needless to say I am sick and tired of "Bozo's Circus". "Bozo's Circus is on the air! (marching music..)". After a couple weeks, my thoughts at that age "Cram it clown!"

3. As a result for being a good girl recovering from viral pneumonia, I received pierced ears from a painful method - training earring where points were piercing into the tissue slowly. My mother thought that if I suffered that long in bed, I can suffer longer with slow torture piercing into my earlobes. I also acquired the lovely allergy to Penicillin with all of the high-doses I received with pneumonia. And last but not least, everytime I get a cold, I have respiratory symptoms regardless where the cold started. Bronchitis sometimes arises and allergies > asthma is now in my medical history from living in the high desert area. My move back to the coastal beach areas is the best condition I can live in California - poor me :)

4. During my Nursing School days, I took a job on weekends to work as a Nurse's Aid in a Catholic retirement home. Most of the residents don't talk or walk; just exist since their families didn't want to take care of them in that condition. Party animal me at that age didn't think what it was like to work under Nuns. The amitious me showed up one weekend day without being scheduled to help out. The Nun in that wing was surprised and pleased that I was there, I think. That evening, I partied to long and didn't wake up for the next day to help again - unscheduled. That Nun fired my ass because I didn't show up (but I wasn't really scheduled!). The administrator told me my fate and said, "That's the way it is". Lesson learned - since I am not Catholic I stay away from Nuns no matter where I am.

5. Have to admit that I am a bit of a control freak - for my destiny. This is probably why I haven't married. With a spouse, you are dealt a known deck of cards. But time goes by and the cards change without my awareness - Phuey! This goes the same for having children. Thank goodness there are you guys out there that want to contribute to the gene pool. Since I have no idea what genetics I carry for medical issues (if any) I will stay out of the blame for spoiling that gene pool.

6. I am ready for a roadtrip up to Cambria, CA. Last time I tried to plan one with people, there were reasons to not go. My philosophy is "I can do that" (see post from Pike Place Market experience). The goal is to stay with circles that are not negative in any sense. If I cannot do something, I don't bother to say I will and then change my mind later when I wasn't sure to begin with.

7. Is Christmas 2007 over yet?

8. I am learning to be patient with those that are less fortunate as me: intellectually/financially, etc. I see myself blessed for where I am in this world and I am doing it my way!

People I tag - VISTA won't let me attach a link and save it to your name :( so here is my list of peeps:

Becky (back at ya!)
Ann Koretz
Leslie Progue
Elizabeth Shen
Sandy Lothes
Nancie Paquin
Beatriz Ruettgers
Maryann Cotta