26 December 2007

The Etiquette of California Freeway Driving

When I was young I had several dreams of driving a car; doesn't matter how small I was. That was a consistent sign of "taking control" or being in control. Well, there's always hazards to something that seems to be a good thing.

Driving in the MidWest:
-Learned how to rock my car when stuck in a slick icey hole wintertimes ("rock me gently, rock me slowly...") In this case, it was quick forward/reverse; back and forth - hard on the transmission.
-Learned how to keep 'control' of my vehicle when the wheels were spinning out of control.
-Fishtailing in the snow was fun!
-People know the fast lane is meant for people to drive faster than the posted speed limint.
-There were no hills or mountains to drive up or down.

Driving with California Drivers:
-I see people burn out their clutches when they are stuck in icey holes.
-Went on vacation in New Zealand where my travel companion thought that 100 KM speed on gravel was legal; funny how the car spun out of a control and nose dives into a muddy ditch. The mud in New Zealand is soft, smooth and warm as it seeps inside the rental car.
-Fishtailing in California means you have to have an annoying engine to make such outrageous maneuvers.
-Driving in the fast lane of California freeways seems to be for anyone no matter how slow you are going; forget flashing your headlights to get to them to move to the right. They are driving on a 'freeway' so it's free in any lane!
-It's amazing that when California drivers slam on their brakes when the car is driving downhill.

Sign says "Watch downhill Speed". So everyone has their brakes on all of a sudden, no wonder we have accidents. What is wrong with just taking your fucking foot off the gas pedal? 3 modes of driving a car when it's in motion: gas pedal, no gas pedal (coast), brake.

I don't mind driving 1 1/2 - 2 hours from Ventura to wherever but then I have to be patient with people who are the following:
1. Skiddish for driving beyond the speed limit (and drive in the fast lane)
2. Brake when they think you are too close them in the back and there is NOBODY else in front of them threatening their passage.
3. Brake driving in unison downhill - all lanes
4. Drivers that let their emotions take over what they are supposed to pay attention to constitutes either under a chemical influence or they are really not in reality
5. Then there the drivers who insist on talking on the cell phone while driving

Therefore I understand why people "don't want to drive" to a long distance e.g. cross counties. But we all have to spread the wealth of the challenge in this world to keep in touch with each other! I drove down twice to Long Beach and Huntington Beach (HB) for this past holiday weekend (drove back and forth; good thing the freeways were clear). I hope it was appropriate to decline another opportunity to drive down to HB for a New Year's party - I think they all need to drive up to me!


Anonymous said...

"Brake driving in unison downhill - all lanes "

OMFG what is the problem with this? It's called putting the car in low gear & coasting. I can coast down the grade at 65-70mph with out a problem! & I'm from Minnesota, these people have lived here all their lives! Go figure!


Becky said...

I am always amazed how people slow down when there is a curve in the freeway (101 near the Esplanade, for example) in broad-freakin-daylight.

It's as if they have no idea what is up ahead.