17 December 2008

History and Premonition Dreams

Today's activity to move overseas was slow...got the estimate from a moving company to ship things: Miata to Florida and my belongings to Australia. Otherwise, I am waiting to better understand one more detail of my job offer before I really sign anything. I did manage to contact my plummber to schedule the bum bathroom faucet for Friday. Today was a bit emotional - I brought my kitties in one more time to the Vet for their vaccinations and sedation for the trip to Florida. The Vet said they are overweight - they eat like their mommy. They do sleep all day now that it has been raining. $400+ later...I have Revolution doses (Florida prevention for worms), sedation and pill pockets home with me for the transport.

One of my correspondes in email was from Jane Brown. She facilitates young adoptee playshops to help them understand their adoption from birth family to adoptee families. I volunteered a couple times with her in Los Angeles. I call the young adoptees "mini-me's". If you go on google and search for jane Brown playshop...she shows up everywhere:)

Jane informed me that one of the adoptees, Jan Lyon, that I hung around with a lot a few years ago is not in a skilled nursing home from a massive stroke. She found out from someone else Christmas last year. Since I do have premonition dreams of people I can identify them in, I bet the stroke happened at that time of my dream.

Reflective on how I tried to tell Jan to let things go in life because the stress is not worth it...she held a horrific grudge with another adoptee 4 years before this time (now 5 years) where she made me a villain for not supporting her stance. I know when to stay out of other's conflicts - as I posted then I am on a mission to take care of myself; nobody else will at this time.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that your cats are over weight! They are so damn tiny! :)

My boys were great on the plane. They just slept the whole time. What kind of carrier are you going to put them in? They are your "carry on luggage" right? My boys were.

Cheryl said...

Well, they are a bit rounder since you saw them. Freckles jiggles when she runs.